Siegenia retains BBA certification

BBA Siegenia

The Titan AF tilt and turn hardware range by Siegenia has successfully achieved the BBA standard, after having originally gained the certification in 2018. The hardware company was audited in the UK and at their German factory this year before being granted the renewal.

The hardware firm’s Titan AF range is marketed as the only tilt-before-turn gearing on the UK market that has achieved this certification. The range includes both face-fix and concealed versions.

For more than 50 years, the BBA has provided product and system certification to demonstrate the specialist formation, capability and uniqueness of products in the construction industry. This is a valuable tool for specifiers, giving them security in their choice of products. BBA certification is a requirement for specification for new-build and National House Building Council sites.

“BBA remains the gold standard certification and further bolsters our reputation to specifiers, designers and contractors as a provider of the highest quality hardware,” said Ryan Thompson, Siegenia UK’s general manager. “I am extremely proud that we have once more passed their rigorous auditing process, both here and at our facilities in Germany, demonstrating that we maintain high standards across all areas and sites of our business.”

As well as being BBA-certified, the Titan AF range has also been independently tested to 20,000 tilt and turn cycles. The range has also achieved Class 5 weather corrosion resistance. In addition, the suite of hardware has undergone extensive PAS 24 testing in the UK and is Secured By Design-compliant. The Siegenia UK team is marketing the range as ‘one of the most stringently tested system of its kind on the market’.

To find out more about the business, call the Siegenia team on 024 7662 2000. Alternatively, email or visit this website.

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