Record breaking month

consFor the second time this year, Conservatory Outlet has reported its ‘best ever’ sales month, with the retail value of its output in October ‘cautiously estimated’ at £12 million. The Yorkshire based fabricator is crediting the record breaking month to its dealers’ growth.

,Managing director, Greg Kane, commented: “The sustained growth many of our dealers are experiencing has resulted in a higher order intake in October than in any other month, including July 2014, which previously ‘wore the crown’ as our best ever month.”

,With almost 8,000 windows, 400 conservatories and orangeries and 300 composite doors processed in October, it has been a very busy period for the fabricator’s dealer network. Greg added: “We would like to thank our dealers for their hard work, which is the driving force behind this growth.”

,The fabricator’s focus on offering the right products at the right time has also paid off, as sales figures for the newly launched solid roof are showing: the new product reached its targets and accounted for 5% of the fabricator’s total sales in October.

,Greg said: “We are always striving to make sure our dealers are equipped with the right tools to take advantage of new market opportunities when these arise, but ultimately, it’s their hard work that feeds our network’s success. Our business model – of one exclusive dealer per region – allows us to create very close relationships with our clients and encourages valuable feedback. This is of paramount importance, as it helps us develop and adapt our products and services to our dealers’ needs.”


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