Epwin opens new showroom

Epwin Window Systems has a new customer showroom and meeting centre at the business’ Telford headquarters. Spanning around 200m², the facility showcases more than 21 products across Epwin’s PVC-U and aluminium systems.

“The new showroom marks a significant step forward in providing customers with an immersive experience, allowing them to explore the depth and scope of our product offer whilst interacting with advanced technologies,” said Gerald Allen, Epwin’s head of marketing.

“Each displayed product is accompanied by an identification plaque with a direct link to the corresponding page on the Epwin Window Systems’ website, providing immediate access to comprehensive information.

“To highlight the integration of smart technologies, selected products within the showroom have been fitted with Yale SensCheck, which has been purpose-designed to support the growth in smart home products.

“Yale SensCheck is the latest integrated smart window and door lock sensor. Visitors can see first-hand the benefits of this technology on windows and doors.”

As part of the showroom-building project, leaders of Epwin Window Systems have also added three new customer suites which they say are tailored to facilitate efficient and engaging interactions. They can accommodate a range of group sizes and scenarios, from smaller meetings to large-scale presentations.

“To enhance the collaborative customer experience we have also added two touchscreen TVs in the customer suites which are preloaded with product and service presentations,” Gerald added, “and a state-of-the-art projector with a 3m-wide screen adds a cinematic dimension to presentations and discussions too.”

Visitors to Epwin’s HQ can access a showroom guide to help make the most of the experience. For customers unable to attend in person, an immersive 360° tour is available for customers to experience online through their devices.

Gerald concluded: “Our new showroom and meeting facility provides customers with an immersive and informative space which is already proving popular with visitors to our Telford headquarters.”

To read more about Yale SensCheck, visit https://yalehome.co.uk/sync-smart-home-window-and-door-sensors or read our report.

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