Installer support body to take VAT campaign to Westminster

cpaInstaller support body, the Consumer Protection Association (CPA), has launched a campaign to remove VAT on home improvement products in order to further boost the economy and help its members.

CPA director, Jeremy Brett, commented: “The economy has been jump started through building and construction but what about the home improvement market?

“If you knock down a house and start again you don’t pay VAT but if you want to improve your home, you do. This makes no sense – how is this good for the environment and how does it work alongside government’s drive to improve the UK’s housing stock.”

The CPA also says that the removal of VAT on home improvement products would not only see an increase in work available for installers but also help to eradicate the black market.

Jeremy Brett continued: “We know others have started similar campaigns aimed at reducing or removing VAT for home improvement products. We are not re-inventing the wheel. However, we feel it’s important for us to proactively get involved in this matter, as it’s an issue that our members talk to us about.

“Getting rid of VAT on home improvement products would be a massive boost for the industry, since many homeowners will finally be able to afford window and door replacements.”

Jeremy also said a no VAT policy would be a win-win situation, helping taxpaying businesses thrive and further contribute to the economy.

The CPA has started an online government petition – where it hopes to find 100,000 signatures, a threshold that will mean the issue gets debated in Parliament.

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