In the hot seat: Dan Powell, VBH

Dan Powell
Dan Powell, head of brand for VBH

Having moved from banking to the glazing industry, Dan Powell, who is now head of brand for VBH, has worked in the hardware sector for more than 17 years. Discover more about his career journey in our ‘hot seat’ interview.

This is a shortened version of a longer article published in Glass and Glazing Products (GGP) Magazine. To read the full version, in the November 2023 edition of GGP, click here.

Who did you look up to when growing up?
As a child, my grandad was an important role model to me. My grandparents came to the UK in the early 1960s from Jamaica. Initially, they found life very difficult here but they learned to adapt and settled into a happy and good life.

Grandad instilled in me a strong work ethic and taught me the importance of showing respect to people from all walks of life. I still follow his advice now, and it has served me well.

What attracted you to the glazing industry, and how did you get your foot in the door?
I started at Mila Hardware in 2005 in internal sales and then progressed internally with them. I joined VBH in 2013 as an area sales manager.

I have moved role a few times before recently taking on my current position as head of brand. They say that once you are in ‘the industry’, you never leave. But that’s OK. My desire to succeed and my passion for our industry continues to grow

When you’re not at work, where can we find you?
Outside of work, my main hobby is darts. I currently run a local team that is now going for its third consecutive league and cup title double. Us darts players love a double!

Darts has been a hobby of mine for over 20 years now. I have been lucky enough to compete at county level and play against some well-known players.

To find out more about Dan, read the full interview in the November 2023 edition of GGP, here.

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