“Data is king. Installers: guard yours carefully”

"Even anonymised data has the potential to do great harm to local markets," argues Certass' managing director

“Our industry must show a #unitedfront”

Joint letter from 19 home improvement suppliers calls for a united approach to delivering continuity of supply

“Cashflow crisis could be looming”

Insight Data’s CEO and industry consultant, Andrew Scott, warns that the industry could face a cashflow crisis over the next few months

Why no one cares about regulation

When it comes to regulation, the industry is not as forward-looking as it needs to be, says Nigel Headford, director of Deceuninck Aluminium

Installers: Think more strategically

AluFold Direct's managing director addresses the pressures that installers are facing

Has innovation dried up in the UK?

"I can’t always supply the products my customers want from the UK," explains Ryan Breslin, of Cherwell Windows

Perfect storm for installer leads?

As homeowners look to save on energy bills, leads for energy-efficient windows, doors and replacement conservatory roofs are set to rise, says Leads 2 Trade's MD

“Lead times still matter”

"Despite what some big players in the market would have us believe, lead times really do still matter," explains Euroglaze MD

“Master the art of consistency”

“There are plenty of opportunities for companies that represent consistency, quality and value,” explains Wayne Heath, AluK's, sales director .

Style over substance?

Websites are worth doing right, says Richie Thornton

