New foiling plant

Epwin Group Window Systems Division increases foiling capacity by 25% with £1.3m facility

Don’t push your luck with low-sightline heritage IGUs

Cornwall Glass Manufacturing MD responds to recent GGF guidance

Conservatory Outlet commits to £500k investment

Manufacturer targets growth with new machinery and factory extension

90% struggle to find good-looking hardware

SFS intec’s industry survey highlights an aesthetics gap in door hardware

Successful first year

Truemans’ Doncaster branch celebrates

Mila’s GRIP espag handle shortlisted in Plastic Industry Awards

Mila’s brand new ABS GRIP espag handle has been shortlisted in the Best Industrial Product Design category at the prestigious Plastics Industry Awards

Construction sector returns to growth in September

Markit/CIPS UK Construction PMI reports rise in business activity for the first time since May and fastest increase in new orders for six months

Long-serving staff honoured at Hurst

Super 17 toast 20 years of service at Hurst

Raising the Roof

Liniar launches competition to give away Elevate lantern roof

FIT exhibitors can attend exhibitor masterclass for free

Exhibitor Masterclasses available for FIT exhibitors following FIT Events’ AEO membership

