Wastewater penalties: “Don’t get caught out,” urges Bohle MD

Glass processors risk major fines by failing to stay on top of wastewater disposal legislation, warns Bohle's managing director

Remote selling: Here to stay?

Installers report that remote selling is here to stay, says software provider, Tommy Trinder

Leading edge of energy efficiency

Edgetech to attend Passive House Conference in China

Retail installers enjoy record leads

‘Stay at Home Sale’ campaign smashes record enquiry levels for CO Network.

CPA predicts 4.7% fall in construction output

The Construction Products Association expects industry output to fall by 4.7% this year

Veka wins Red Rose Award for manufacturing

PVC-U systems house scoops prestigious prize

GGF Commercial Group celebrates ‘a great year’

Anda Gregory, MD, discusses highlights of 2019 and outlines future ambitions for GGF Commercial Group

Trustmark supports Certass’ ventilation campaign

Trustmark, the government-endorsed quality scheme, has endorsed Certass Trade Association’s #FreshAirFeeling campaign.

A big return

Milwood Group hints at ‘exciting announcements’ for FIT Show 2019

Pod Almighty

M&M Windows has secured an ongoing contract with a ‘glamping pod’ supplier

