Elephants in the room

Roy Frost, Deceuninck, via email

Automation is on the rise

Reflecting on the past year, Kall Kwik's UK and Ireland business development manager explains why more fabricators are embracing automation

Open letter to the industry: The FIT Show and the Green...

Mark Pearce, managing director, KJM Group, via email

‘The Brexit fallout has begun’

Stewart Lamb, VITA Hardware, via email

Making a difference

Sue Davenport, group marketing director at Liniar, explores the true meaning of marketing.

“Don’t fear a shifting market”

Though the headlines read badly, there are still opportunities in the current market, explains Deceuninck's MD

“The Irish market defies expectations”

Demand for machinery in Ireland is almost at record levels, says Emmegi (UK)’s sales manager, comparing how the Irish market is faring compared to the rest of the UK

‘Fake news’ in our midst

Gareth Mobley, Solidor, via email

The lead generation imperative

"We can’t afford to be complacent when it comes to leads," argues Emplas' MD

“Thanks to the energy market, there are opportunities”

While energy efficiency continues to drive demand, opportunities for window and door businesses are there for the taking, argues Emplas' MD

