Covid measures I’d like to keep

Steven Dunn, site manager of glass interior specialists, Indeglas, outlines the Covid safety measures that have helped his company

“Lead times still matter”

"Despite what some big players in the market would have us believe, lead times really do still matter," explains Euroglaze MD

“Logikal is the logical choice for first-time aluminium fabricators”

"LogiKal can do as much or as little as you need it to do," BM Aluminium's MD explains

“Let’s look behind the mental health statistics”

The industry's failing supply chain is seriously affecting installers' mental health, the DGCOS' chief executive explains, drawing on survey insights

‘Engineered to excel’

Illbruck has solution for silicon shortage

“Aluminium sliding patio doors are set to take over”

Could sliding patio doors take the place of bi-fold doors on homeowners’ wish lists in 2024? The chair of CDW Systems thinks so

“Think carefully before sourcing reinforcement”

Epwin director urges fabricators to think carefully before outsourcing reinforcement

“Customers need guidance about thermal efficiency”

Thermal efficiency is key to CDW Systems' new bi-fold door offering, as the business' group chair explains

‘A price cut as promised’

Nick Dutton, Brisant, via email

“CAB members are busy and positive”

Aluminium fenestration seems to have remained buoyant, according to the Council of Aluminium in Building (CAB)’s latest analysis, and members are busy and positive. Phil Slinger, CAB’s CEO, reports

